Paul Dougherty
UCLA’s Jules Stein Eye Institute, USA
Title: Same-Day Bilateral Sequential IOL Surgery (SBSS)
Biography: Paul Dougherty
This presentation is a summary of a chapter on SBSS and In-Office IOL surgery that I published in Refractive Lens Exchange: A Surgical Treatment of Presbyopia edited by Ming X. Wang MD, PhD. In this talk I will discuss acceptance, barriers, risks, benefits and mechanics of performing SBSS. My personal clinical experience as well as a literature review on SBSS was used to create the presentation. Special attention is given to risks of bilateral endophthalmitis and its prevention with intracameral antibiotics, in-office IOL surgery, as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria for SBSS. Data will be presented from a paper reviewing my personal experience with SBSS presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology in 2012. At the conclusion of the presentation, the audience will be given data as to the safety and effectiveness of SBSS.